Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ed Alter

My father lives in St Louis and was experiencing a variety of health problems due to an intense pain in his hip. He wasn't interested in seeing his doctor and was unclear about his options for physical therapy. Through a phone consultation, Linda gave me great recommendations for my dad’s home rehabilitation, which included suggestions on how to approach him on the issue, a clear breakdown of all medical his options and an explanation of how to find rehabilitative providers near his home. The strategies we put in place, based on Linda recommendations, have made my father stronger and able to remain in his home longer. I found Linda to be a wonderful combination of compassion, expertise and resourcefulness.

BACK STORY:  Desperate to get quick answers, Ed needed recommendations for his Father as soon as possible, since he could only communicate with both his father and the medical team telephonically. I made several recommendations for home rehabilitation and home safety, as well as who to contact, which had not been proceed to Ed.

His father made a healthy and safe recovery.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Carolyn Mason

Linda cares deeply that individuals have the information necessary to make informed decisions about their health care. What I appreciate most about the methods she uses is that she takes every facet into consideration, not just nutrition and exercise. Linda educates and informs about the products we put on our bodies as well as those we put in our bodies. The result is a well rounded picture of care that is presented in a respectful and empathic manner.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Jeannie Egbert

I hired Linda as a nurse for my mother who had chronic back pain and mobility issues. Linda’s communication with my sister and I was excellent. She e-mailed us with her assessment on each of her visits, along with her recommendations. Linda provided my sister [who lives with my mother], helpful and significant questions to ask the orthopedic physician. My mother started doing the exercise routine given to her by the physical therapist, after Linda got on the floor with my mother to review and perform these exercises together. Linda also taught my mother some simple visualization and relaxation techniques, which she was able to use to help manage her chronic pain. Linda additionally provided very helpful information on safety and comfort issues including bed rails, nonskid rugs, and different types of back support. Linda’s gentle and caring approach was very beneficial to my mother and I would highly recommend her.
